January 5th
An evening with Mike Stokes, Bridgend CC
January 16th
Painting with Light (Bring Cameras) - John Corcoran
February 2nd
'The wet plate collodion process' with Gareth Jarvis
February 20th
An evening with Nick Jenkins AWPF ARPS Gwynfa CC
March 2nd
Critique with Peter Young LRPS CPAGB AFIAP APAGB
Members bring up to 4 prints each
March 20th
An evening with Andy Beel FRPS, Kingswood PS
April 3rd (Note 1st Monday of the month because of Easter)
My Sports Photography Dan Minto, Bridgend CC, Pyle and Porthcawl PS
April 20th (Note 3rd Thursday of the month because of Easter)
An Evening with Neil Collier
May 4th
An evening with Brian Callard
May 13th
Possibly the biggest Monochrome Print Inter-club Competition in the country.
Judged by: Kevin Thomas MA FRPS Hon.FWPF
May 15th
Show & Tell
Members show their own work - up to 5 prints each
June 1st
An evening with David Bathard FRPS,AWPF and Tony Cooper ARPS, Crown Mono http://www.fromeselwoodps.co.uk/gallery_406505.html
June 19th
An evening with Leigh Woolford DPAGB, EFIAP, AWPF of Gwynfa CC
July 6th
We critique Crown Monochrome prints
July 17th
An evening with Roy Carr
Followed by our A.G.M. - so don't sit on your hands!!!
August 3rd
Portraiture evening
(includes lighting demonstration by Peter Young)
August 21st
Show and Tell - Members show their own work, up to 5 prints each
(while 2 CM members critique the work of Crown Monochrome in Bristol)
September 7th
An Evening with Barry Hill AWPF AFIAP, Merthyr CC
September 18th
The Darkroom & Beyond Tom Dodd, FRPS, North Wales
October 5th
Members Critique by Roy Thomas APAGB HonWPF - bring up to 4 prints each
October 16th
An evening with Rob Mitchell MA
November 2nd
Take 4
Four members talk or demonstrate (Dennis Russ, Norman Lemon, Brian Merry & Neville Thomas)
November 20th
What I do! - Mike Martin of Kingswood PS
December 7th
"From a Wedding to the World" - Glenn Edwards
February 19th
An evening with Rod Bird, Maidenhead CC
March 19th
Mono Mixture – Ian Ledgard AWPF EFIAP/g MPSA GPU-Cr4 Towy Valley CC
April 16th
An evening with Alan Harris, Carmarthen CC
May 21st
An Evening with John Tilsley DPAGB ARPS APAGB Dorchester CC
June 18th
Seen from a Bridge - Susan Surridge
July 16th
An evening with Peter Young LRPS CPAGB AFIAP APAGB, plus the AGM
August 20th
An evening with Leigh Preston FRPS
September 17th
Show and Tell
October 15th
An evening with Les Loosemore ARPS DPAGB AWPF
November 19th
An evening with Neville Thomas CPAGB AWPF EFIAP/s
December 17th
Show and tell Members bring up to 5 prints or 5 pdi with buffet
21st January
An evening with Peter McCloskey FRPS,Bristol PS
18th Feb
Darkroom Demo with Peter Young LRPS CPAGB, AFIAP, APAGB,
18th March
An Evening with Tony Llewellyn CPAGB
15th April
An evening with Peter Ekin Wood, Past President of Newport PC
18th May
Only Mono @ St Pauls Centre. Port Talbot
20th May
Crown Critique our prints.
17th June
An Evening with Brian Coleman AFIAP AWPF, Bridgend CC
15th July
An evening with Dennis Russ and our AGM
19th August
An Evening with Trevor James, Gwynfa CC
16th September
A collection of Mono Prints with Gareth Martin AWPF CPAGB
21st October
An evening with David Wilson from Haverfordwest.
29th October
The Duel - Inter-club Battle with Pontypridd CC - AWAY fixture
The following programme was not held due to COVID-19 restrictions
20th July
A Print Evening with Susan Surridge. Plus our AGM
17th August
Crown Critique our prints
21st September
A print evening with Tony Broom CPAGB, Tettenhall Wood PC - MCPF
19th October
An evening with Martin Forde and Ian Clark, Rhiwbina CC (Both are street Photographers)
16th November
The Duel Battle with Pontypridd CC - AT HOME - Judge: Alan Stokes
21st December
Show and Tell with Buffet
Zoom presentations
19th October
An Evening with Les Loosemore AWPF DPAGB ARPS.
16th November
An Evening with Dennis Russ. AWPF BPE1*LRPS CPAGB AFIAP
21st December
Peak District in Black & White' Ian Daisley
January 18th
My journey in Monochrome - Kylie Ann Martin (Great Barr CC)
Febuary 15th
Mono my way, Clive Watkins LRPS, Irvine CC
March 15th
Mono Memories, Martin Cooper, LRPS, Gloucester CC
April 19th
In search of Charlie Curnow, Alan Harris M.A Photography. Carmarthen CC.
May 15th
Only Mono at St Paul's Center, Port Talbot. Robert Jones leader of the council will open it.TBC
May 17th
David Garthwaite FRPS - Fine Art Monochrome
- A link to some publicity photographs is here
- Here is David's website
June 21st
Dave Mason - Faces & Places
July 19th
Cyanotypes/ Alternative Photography, Susan Ashford AWPF, ARPS, EFIAP, CPAGB, Swansea CC. This may be zoom.
Followed by our AGM.
August 16th
Mono Moods - Colin Jarvis https://colinjarvis.co.uk/
September 20th
An evening with Andy Beel FRPS, Bristol
October 18th
An evening with Colin Trow-Poole FRPS, Beacon CC
April 11
An evening of mono prints by Dennis Russ LRPS AFIAP AWPF CPAGB BPE1*
May 16
An evening with Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/p Smethwick CC
June 20
An evening of two halves Prints and PDI - Leigh Woolford Hon.FWPF, DPAGB, EFIAP, AWPF, BPE4*, Gwynfa CC
July 18
Digital Infra Red by Guy Buttler-Maddern of Vale CC, followed by our AGM
August 15
An evening with Ross Samson
September 19
Members' Show & Tell
October 17
An evening with Martin Forde and Ian Clark, Rhiwbina CC (Both are street Photographers)
November 21
An evening of Mono prints by Les Loosemore DPAGB ARPS AWPF, Vale PC and Cymru Monochrome
December 19
An Evening with Walter Waygood of Blaenavon
January 16
Large format photography and alternative process printing. - Roger Harrison, Barry CC
February 20
My Monochrome Journey by Geoff Poole LRPS of Llantwit Major and Cymru Monochrome
March 20
Show and Tell, Members show their work, PDI or Prints
April 17
An evening with Colin Trow-Poole of Beacon CC (in Malvern)
May 15
Forty years of mono prints - John Chamberlin, FRPS, APAGB, MFIAP. Bristol PS
June 19
Winter on the Montana Plains’. Prints and PDI - Trevor James Gwynfa CC
July 17
An evening with Peter Thomas and our AGM
August 21
My Portraits and Other Stuff - Paul James AWPF of Tenby and Bridgend CCs
September 18
Show and Tell, Members show their work, PDI or Prints
October 16
Two of a Kind - David Bathard FRPS & Tony Cooper ARPS of Crown Monochrome
November 20
An evening with David Lingham FRPS, Gwynfa CC
December 18
My favourite Monochrome prints - Susan Ashford AWPF ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
15th January
My latest 80 mono prints - Gareth Martin AWPF,CPAGB Cymru Mono and Afan Nedd cc
19th Febuary
An evening with the Jolly Boys - prints and digital images
18th March
An Evening of prints with Les Loosemore AWPF, DPAGB ARPS, Cymru Mono and Bridgend and District cc
6th April
Only Mono at St Theodores Church Hall,Talbot Rd, Port Talbot, SA13 1LB
This is the largest Monochrome Battle in the UK.
15th April
A print evening with Anthony Carter, Anthony is a regular Print exhibitor in Newport, Abertillery and Brynmawr. He's a past member of Abergavenyy CC.
20th May
A print evening with John Tilsley ARPS,DPAGB, APAGB, Dorchester PS
17th June
A digital talk with a few prints with Steve Varman, LRPS, Tynedale PC, https://stevevarman.co.uk/
15th July
A print evening with Dennis Russ, LRPS AFIAP AWPF CPAGB BPE1* Cymru Mono and Morriston CC.
Also its our AGM which will be after the talk.
19th August
Members' Show and Tell
16th September
An Evening of Prints with Allan Pick AWPF, CPAGB. Cymru Monochrome, Afan Nedd PS and Bridgend &District CC
21st October
An evening with Cyril Preddy, Cwmtawe CC
18th November
An evening with Walter Waygood, Walter is based in Merthyr. We had a cracking night with Walter in December 2022 so a evening not to be missed.
16th December
Show and Tell, Members bring along Prints and or Digital images.